Thank you for your gift!

We thank each person for their support, their gift was given to each child. Thank you for filling your hearts with joy, these types of details make each child feel special and important to God.

Start by gifting 01 illustrated Bible for a child!

Choosing to be an Evangelistic Donor is to win a soul for Christ. By giving an illustrated Bible to a child, you are giving LIFE.

  • Give an illustrated Bible.
  • We will give you an «Evangelist Donor» certificate.
  • We will send you photos and videos of the boy or girl receiving your gift.
  • You participate in 01 draw for a round trip air ticket, you will live the experience of being a missionary and helping thousands of children for 10 days in the beautiful and magical country of Peru.

The impact of your help!

With your donation you can transform many lives and make social impact programs a reality. Thanks to your LOVE; you will be able to paint a smile on the faces of thousands of children, brighten their hearts, lift their spirits, the children will feel that they are not alone and that their lives are worth a lot.

Know the sad reality of many people

In this documentary you can see the harsh reality of those who live in the villages, far from access to drinking water, many homes without electricity, they do not have bathrooms for personal hygiene, they do not have medicine or food.

Become a Missionary Donor

Are you passionate about helping children?
Become a Missionary Donor and be part of our family of 10,000 members.
With your generous annual contribution of $60 you will help:
Build 01 Sunday School, Evangelize thousands of children, give them a Bible, shoes, food basket, vitamin package, personal hygiene package, nutritious food and much more.
Join us and change lives TODAY!

Compassion is the vitamin the world needs to be a better place!