Food Basket Delivery - 2019

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Centro Poblado "La Zaranda"

Caserío Huaca Partida

Distrito de Ferreñafe

Departamento de Lambayeque

This social work was carried out in the Populated Center of the Zaranda, county of Pítipo; Province de Ferreñafe, Departamento of Lambayeque, located in the north of Peru.

  • Care provided: Baskets with groceries were delivered to families in vulnerable situations.
  • Duration: 1 day from the 08:00 am – 14:00 pm
  • Date: 15 of December of 2019.
  • Special mention: To all the people who collaborated to carry out social aid.

Honorable mention to the one who in life was Mr. Donalde Monja Huamán, who with his generous spirit and big heart accompanied us from the beginning to the end.

Help us meet our goal

With your donation we will be able to help and bless thousands of lives that need Love, Faith and Hope.


Compassion is the vitamin the world needs to be a better place!